DIZAINO įvykis

10.23-31.2020 | Dabarties ateities miestas


In the wake of the global pandemic, we faced an unprecedented situation that affected the daily lives of all, impacting our relationships and ways of interaction. Physical distancing is, and is likely to stay for some time, one of the most important conditions affecting human interactions in public spaces to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

  • 10.23-31.2020
  • Dizainaskaune.lt
  • info@dizainaskaune.lt
  • The Present. The Future. The City

There comes a need to carry out as many activities as possible outdoors, in outdoor conditions where the spread of the virus is minimized and social interaction can take place in unchanged forms and safely. Open-air cafés, cultural and artistic events on balconies, in courtyards, in the streets have already become the reality of the lockdown period. And this is probably one of the most obvious changes of this period, possibly becoming a “new norm”.

Often the city becomes a place of dramatic exclusion or rapidly spreading infections, therefore, creating a harmonious, safe, sustainable, inclusive environment, with respect for the local heritage, the community, man and nature, is one of the most important challenges of today and tomorrow. What power does it hold and what can design do in this context?

Kaunas DESIGN event is the cycle of events lasting several days to find out and to discuss about the city and the design issues, get acquainted with good practices of the country and foreign cities, and specific examples of design. What does it mean to be a Design City? How can the city become a good customer of urban design and public environment formation? How does the community of design work and what kind of expectations does it have in the Design City? Do the townspeople feel the added value of design?

“Kaunas Design event” comprises of creative workshops, discussion, lectures and talks, live translations public space activations.


September 23 d., 2020

Spalio 26 d., 2020

Spalio 27 d., 2020

Spalio 27 d. - Lapkričio 8 d. 2020

Spalio 28 d., 2020

Spalio 29 d., 2020

Spalio 30 d., 2020

Spalio 31 d., 2020


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